Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is an inspirational story of the hardships of World War II in the viewpoint of a 13 year old Jewish girl in hiding during The Holocaust. In her diary, Anne shares her thoughts, feelings and insights about the many issues and conflicts in the warehouse where her own family and another family hid for two years.

Anne's diary entries show her growing, maturing from a girl to a woman, and experiencing new emotions such as love and courage. Anne falls in love with the son of the family the Franks are hiding with and in him she finds someone she can trust and talk to.

Throughout her whole diary, Anne shows much courage by acting mature beyond her age and never complaining about the situation she is in. Anne's values and morals also change as she leaves her normal life at school with friends and goes into hiding and seclusion from the outside world. For example, since she can never go outside Anne finds a new love and appreciation for the beauty of nature. Throughout the book she shares her innermost thoughts and dreams. An example of this is when Anne says, "...my greatest wish is to become a journalist someday and later on a famous writer... I want to publish a book entitled Het Achterhuis after the war." Anne is always optimistic in the darkest situations by thinking of a bright future ahead of her.

Overall, Anne Frank's diary is an amazing story. It gives the reader and idea of what it was like for a teenage girl during World War II. It also educates readers on the events and circumstances during this time period. This is a great book and keeps the reader's attention not only because it is educational but also it is interesting to see how a young girl deals with such misfortunate circumstances.

Out of all age groups, this book would be the most suitable for teenagers because they could really relate to Anne and take with them a deep understanding of the hardships she underwent. In some ways this book can be comparable to To Kill a Mockingbird in the sense that there is a loss of innocence in both books. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem Finch grows and matures, as does Anne in her diary. In the end, Anne's diary comes to a close but her hopes and dreams will live on forever.

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